symptoms of diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic eye disease is a group of eye conditions that can affect people with diabetes. diabetic retinopathy affects blood vessels in the light-sensitive tissue. Diabetic retinopathy is damage to the retina (retinopathy), specifically blood vessels in the retina, caused by complications of diabetes mellitus.. Ocular and functional effects of diabetic retinopathy can include any or all of the following: fluctuating vision in response to changing blood glucose levels; vision.
You may have diabetic retinopathy for a long time without noticing any symptoms. typically, retinopathy does not cause noticeable symptoms until significant damage. Read about the main stages of diabetic retinopathy, and what your diabetic screening result means.. Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy including 6 medical symptoms and signs of diabetic retinopathy, alternative diagnoses, misdiagnosis, and correct diagnosis for.